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More About Who We Are

Euclid Lodge uses the Canadian Ritual. We are known for our fine ritual work, but more especially for our friendship, warmth, and hospitality.

Although our Lodge is relatively small, we are a very active Lodge, and we are well known for thinking outside the box.

We hold an annual Corn banquet on the occasion of the Official Visit of our District Deputy Grand Master every September. We also have our Strawberry night which is held at our regular communication in June.

The members of our sister Lodge, Haida No.166 share with us a friendship totem that is exchanged regularly at our installations in March and November. Our Lodge is very proud of being the proud recipients of the Lodge Excellence Award Program (L.E.A.P.) from Grand Lodge each year. We also rigorously follow the 6-Step program for each of our new initiates which helps our new candidates with any questions they may have prior to joining our beloved fraternity.

” Freemasonry embraces the highest moral laws and will bear the test
of any system of ethics or philosophy ever promulgated for the uplift of man”.