History of Euclid Lodge
Euclid Lodge has a long history in the Port Alberni Valley where are origins began, and in February of 2014 we relocated to the Parksville area where we continue the journey of making history.
The articles presented here, are from our 50th Anniversary celebration and represent a number of significant milestones and achievements of the Lodge history.
Euclid Lodge’s Early History
During the winter of 1952 and 1953 a number of Masons decided that it was time a second Masonic Lodge should be formed in the Alberni
Valley. A letter of enquiry, as to the proper procedure, was written to Grand Lodge by Worshipful Bro. Edwin Beck on January 30th, 1953. Having secured the permission of Grand Lodge, Worshipful Bro. Beck and Bro. Charles Taylor arranged an organizational meeting in the fall of the same year that was held in the old United Church Hall, Elizabeth Street, Alberni, B.C. All known brethren who were permanent residents and not members of Barclay Lodge were invited to attend along with those members from Barclay Lodge who were interested in the commencement of another Lodge in the district. Worshipful Bro. Beck acted as the interim chairman. The meeting decided that the new Lodge should follow the Canadian Work, so that the brethren moving into the area would have a choice as Barclay Lodge practices the American Rite. All brethren who had been raised in a Lodge practicing the Canadian Work were asked to stand and an election of the three top officers was held. Right Worshipful Bro, Coulter received the honor of being elected Worshipful Master. Bro. A.G. McCulloch was elected Senior Warden and Bro. A.R. Thompson was elected Junior Warden.
Right Worshipful Bro. Coulter appointed officers for the new Lodge from the list of petitioners. Regular practices were held in the rear office of the Alberni Real Estate on Johnston Road of which firm Bro. Charles Taylor was a partner, It
was at one of these practices that the name “Euclid” was decided.
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia gave permission to Right Worshipful Bro.
Coulter to become the first Worshipful Master. This was necessary because Right Worshipful
Bro. Coulter had attained his rank under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge Of Saskatchewan. Grand Lodge also decreed that the three top officers must be Past Masters and appointed Worshipful Bro. Edwin Beck as
Senior Warden and Worshipful Bro. Mel Lamport as Junior Warden.
Grand Lodge decreed that the new Lodge be located in Alberni.
Meetings Of Euclid U.D. were held in the Barclay Temple, Port Alberni until the premises over Thomson’s General Store, corner of Southgate
and Margaret Streets were made ready for occupancy.
The only available space in Alberni was an attic room above the store that at some time previous had been gutted by fire. This building was erected prior to 1900 and was one of the oldest buildings in the Alberni Valley.
50th Anniversary of Euclid Lodge
A booklet published for our 50th Anniversary in 2005